Test winner CARAT

Our kitchen design software, which is trusted by more than 50,000 users worldwide, has already won several awards. We are very proud of this great confirmation for us and our work. A success that also drives us to continue optimising our existing products and to develop new innovative features.

Winner of the "markt intern" performance comparison kitchen design software

Every two years, the magazine markt intern conducts the "Performance comparison kitchen design software". In the current spring 2020 survey, CARAT was declared as the best software. CARAT took first place in 14 out of 16 categories and is the undisputed winner of the survey, for the third time in a row. With an overall score of 1.72, CARAT dominated in the, in Germany nationwide, survey among furniture stores and kitchen studios the field of the competition.

CARAT markt intern Leistungsspiegel


Georg Clemens, editor-in-chief of markt intern Möbel-Fachhandel, presented the award to the two CARAT Managing Directors Gerhard Essig and Andreas Günther.


Performance comparison 2020 (German)

Article markt intern: Issue No. Mö 14/20 (German)

Special supplement markt intern: No. Mö 29/20 (German)

Winner of the market internal performance comparison kitchen design software

Also design with the test winner! Your advantages:

Kitchen design software on the highest technical level. Product development „Made in Germany“. Long-standing and trusting contact with trade and industry. Maximum sales success.

Our important cornerstones for long-term successful customer satisfaction.